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Randstad discusses gig economy in latest quarterly report

Randstad North America, a global provider of HR services, in December 2017 released its 4th Quarter Talent Trends Quarterly [1], an analysis of current hiring and workplace trends that will impact the U.S. workplace in 2018 and beyond.

The report opens with a warning to human capital and business leaders: ‘embrace change to (their workforce’s) advantage or potentially fall behind’, and recommends that employers ‘become more agile, open, and flexible in the way they engage, select, and acquire talent.’

Of particular note is their discussion of the rise of independent talent – ‘gig’ workers – and the benefits and drawbacks associated with hiring independent contractors to fill in talent gaps. They note a study conducted by the Freelancers Union and Upwork, that predicted that more than half of U.S. workers will fall under the definition of independents by 2027.

McKinsey, in its report Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy, estimates that 20 to 30 percent of workers in the EU-15 perform independent work, with countries such as Germany at 25% and Spain at 31%.  This workforce, according to Randstad, ‘presents both opportunities and challenges for employers.’ The report identifies Belgium (17%), Australia (15%), Sweden (13%), and Japan (13%) as the top four countries indicating that utilizing gig workers is their biggest pain point, and that the varying labor laws in different states and countries and even cities, make it difficult to fit gig workers into existing regulations.

They recommend that companies ‘establish a position from a legal and risk perspective,’ as well as build a strategy for directing and governing ‘the masses of hiring managers who may be making less than ideal talent decisions.’

The bottom line, however, is that scarcity of and competition for talent will impact business the most in 2018 and that greater workforce flexibility and access to an expanded candidate pool that includes contingency talent will be the way to gain a foothold in these times of talent scarcity.

Other takeaways from the report include:

The entire report can be viewed in PDF format by downloading it here. [1]