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Global Benefits Vision
Global Benefits Vision magazine, the Global Benefits Vision Directory of Providers, and the website are published by Global Benefits Knowledge SA, a joint stock company incorporated under Luxembourg law with a fully paid-in capital of 50,000 Euros. Registered office: 16 avenue Pasteur, L 2310 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. ISSN 2418-4349. VAT LU28396959. Corporate registration number RC Lux B200289. Legal deposit : Bibliothèque Nationale du Luxembourg .
GBV, the GBV logo, Global Benefits Vision TM, Global Benefits Knowledge TM, are registered trademarks of Global Benefits Knowledge SA.
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As a registered publication, Global Benefits Vision magazine asserts its right to publish information about natural persons as it sees fit, subject only to limitations under Luxembourg law and in particular the “Loi du 8 juin 2004 sur la liberté d’expression dans les médias” as amended. Global Benefits Vision recognizes and abides by the Luxembourg Code of Conduct for the press and the media, “Code de déontologie de la presse et des médias“.
Notwithstanding your rights under the law, should you consider that any information about you is inaccurate, please let us now as soon as possible by writing to the Editor at the registered address and/or by emailing eric (at) . We will be happy to publish a correction as warranted.
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The information contained in this website is available to you for general education purposes only. We strive to keep this information up to date and correct, but we do not guarantee either expressly or implicitly its accuracy, reliability, suitability, comprehensiveness or availability with respect to both the website as such, and the information, products, services, and graphic content. In particular, information about medical, immigration, tax or legal matters contained herein is of general nature and does not take into account your particular situation of which we have no knowledge whatsoever; as a result, information contained in this website or in the Global Benefits Vision magazine cannot be construed as medical, immigration, tax, legal, or other advice. You use this information at your own risk. Please refer to a licensed professional for medical, immigration, tax, legal or otherwise regulated counsel. In no event will we be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, including indirect or consequential loss, and possible loss of data and / or profits resulting from the use of this site. This site contains links to other websites which are not under the control of Global Benefits Vision, whether in their nature, their content or availability. The existence of links to a website does not imply that we recommended it in any way or that we approve its content. In addition, these sites may or may not collect personal data. Accessing such sites as well as the collection and use of personal information made on and by these sites is subject to the terms of use and to the personal data protection policies of said sites. In addition, they may be subject to jurisdictions, laws and regulations other than those applicable to the present website.
Registered offices and headquarters : 16 avenue Pasteur, L 2310 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publisher-of-Record : Eric MULLER-BORLE
Contact : contact (at)
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Global Benefits Knowledge SA reserves the right to change any and all information on this website, including the terms contained in the present page, at any time and without notice. Pursuant to Luxembourg law, only the English version of the Terms & Conditions is binding; any translation is provided as a courtesy to our visitors. Date of last update: November 20, 2023.