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Dr. Leena Johns

Why should employers look to create a positive workplace culture? We sat down with Dr Leena Johns, Head of Health & Wellness at MAXIS Global Benefits Network, to discuss the, often unseen, impact of workplace culture on the productivity and health of employees.

Global Benefits Vision: Why has MAXIS GBN decided to launch its new wellness solution now? What were the key drivers behind the launch? Dr. Leena Johns MD: Over the past few years we have worked with clients to identify the cost drivers of their health claims data across disparate geographies, through our sophisticated data reporting tools. While some markets offer solutions to mitigate these drivers, often, in reality, there is an absence of data-based recommendations and a lack of cohesive, centralised solutions that can be rolled out globally.

Dr. Leena Johns MAXIS GBN Head of Health & Wellness Leena’s particular area of interest is health data analytics; she works with Multinational clients, as well as local operations using claims data analytics to derive cost drivers, trends and areas of greatest financial change. She works with the various stakeholders to identify the areas to focus from a management perspective, recommending changes and modifications to policy terms and