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Further Group

MAXIS Global Benefits Network (MAXIS GBN) in July 2022 announced a new partnership with Further Group, a global leader in the design and development of equitable and affordable health insurance solutions. Further will be offering its innovative Critical Advantage solution to MAXIS GBN’s multinational clients. By selecting to work with Further, multinationals will be able to offer their people treatment, outside of their home country, at medical centres of

Nowadays, any discussion around healthcare for your employees will inevitably center around Covid. At a time when the pandemic and its challenges are still making headlines as outbreaks, infection rates and vaccines flood every news bulletin, it’s easy to overlook the impact on other areas of healthcare. Many of these involve complex or life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer. Global Benefits Vision recently spoke to Further Group CEO Frank Ahedo about the impact that Covid is having on the treatment of serious medical conditions, and how this changing landscape will affect the way employees have access to treatment.