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Lloyd’s Brussels in December 2018 announced the appointment of Delphine Marchessaux as chief underwriting officer. Delphine previously was head of underwriting, Cargo at Axa Corporate Solutions (now AXA XL) in France. Earlier, she was head of Marine claims (cargo and hull), having started her career as a Marine claims executive and team leader at AXA Corporate Solutions. She holds a Master of Science degree in Law from IFURTA (Institut

Lloyd’s in December 2018 appointed Sonja Rottiers as CEO of Lloyd’s Brussels and regional director for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). She reports to Lloyd’s CEO John Neal. Lloyd’s Brussels was launched in November 2018 to ensure that Lloyd’s syndicates can continue to write policies in the E.U. after Brexit. Before joining Lloyd’s, Rottiers was a non-executive board member for ING Belgium; Belgian cinema chain Kinepolis; and Leasinvest

Insurer – Country of Destination – Date Announced – Source MS Amlin – Brussels – 28 June 2017 – Press release Lloyd’s of London – Brussels – QBE – Brussels – CNA Hardy – Luxembourg – RSA – Luxembourg – AIG – Luxembourg – FM Global – Luxembourg – Hiscox – Luxembourg – Liberty Mutual, Special Markets – Luxembourg – Admiral – Dublin – Beazley – Dublin – Chesnara –

CNA Hardy, a commercial insurer operating within the Lloyd’s market, in August 2018 was granted its insurance license by the Luxembourg regulator, Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA). It is to write business across continental Europe from Luxembourg through a network of offices in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, but also through its Lloyd’s of London platform. The company had announced in June of 2017 that it would set

CNA Hardy, a commercial insurer operating within the Lloyds market, in January 2018 appointed Stuart Middleton as CEO of its subsidiary in Luxembourg. The company had announced in June of 2017 that it would set up a subsidiary group in Luxembourg ahead of Brexit. Middleton joined CNA Hardy in October 2017 as head of small business, coming from leadership roles such as Chief Underwriting Officer for Europe at Hiscox,

Cyber risk analytics firm Cyence and specialty insurance market Lloyd’s of London in July 2017 published a joint report that explores the financial impact on insurers of two specific cyber scenarios in terms of dollars and probabilities. Cyence’s economic modeling platform for cyber risk identified and quantified the potential outcomes that could affect insurance companies’ cyber portfolios. The report focused on two increasingly common cyber events: a cloud service provider