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Diego Poncelet in September 2020 joined the EMEA team of INSUROPE Network as Regional Director

Ahead of the third G7 Pensions Digital Forum devoted on ESG, Inclusive Growth and the Future of Retirement, a GBV Quick Take with Nicolas J. Firzli, Director-General of the World Pensions Council, a Paris-based international association of public and private pension institutions

Allowing for financial synergies (6/6) By choosing @GEB_Network for your international expat plan, you not only benefit from a best compliant, integrated solution that will meet the needs of your diverse employees – wherever in the world they are – but you also benefit from cost efficiencies. For example, a global Network built upon years of close partnership working and trust, allowing for a high degree of harmonisation of

Centralising plan set-up and information management (5/6) Your multinational organisation is complex. But your global mobile employee benefits plan needn’t be. The right solution will allow you to insure your locally-based employees alongside their expat colleagues, with bespoke plans and quality benefits. For the employer, we bring solutions that are compliant and cost-effective. Plus, everything in one place, including comprehensive reporting packages. For the employee, we bring a user-friendly

Aiming for a high degree of harmonisation of terms and benefits (4/6) There are pros and cons of harmonising your terms of employment. But we believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, bringing you a global mobile employee benefits plan that is more: attractive; fair; compliant; efficient. And less administration heavy and hierarchical. Talk to @GEB_Network about our new and innovative Best Compliant Model: the next generation of international

Minimising non-admitted insurance (3/6) Every country is different. Just like every employee is different. And non-admitted insurance is no longer serving global mobile insurance needs with the same level of efficiency that it once did. To insure global risk in a way that is consistent, cost-effective and with non-admitted insurance minimised, you need a different solution. @GEB_Network’s Best Compliant Model provides that solution, within a single multinational policy or

Maximising admitted coverages (2/6) Are you looking for one global mobile employee benefits solution that is in line with the requirements of each region in which your organisation is present? Do you want to simplify the administration of the benefits you offer globally, or across as many regions as possible? Do you want to reduce the reliance on non-admitted solutions? Look no further. @GEB_Network’s new Best Compliant Model has

Providing one integrated solution across geographies (1/6) Achieving a globally mobile employee benefits solution that is integrated and compliant, yet user-friendly, member-experience focused and cost-effective gets ever harder to achieve. At the same time, it’s a necessity in #employee attraction and retention. Fortunately, there is a way, in the shape of @GEB_Network ’s new and innovative Best Compliant Model. #employeebenefits

Aon named Eric Andersen as president of the company in February 2020, reporting to Chief Executive Greg Case. Andersen will continue to be based in New York City. Andersen first joined Aon in 1997 via the acquisition of Minet. Prior to that, Andersen also worked in London at Alexander Howden. He has been in the C-suite since 2010, when he was named CEO for ARS Americas. Andersen was named