Elizabeth C. Tippett – Contributor Profile
Elizabeth C. Tippett
University of Oregon
Associate Professor, School of Law
Professor Tippett writes about ethics, employment law, and the intersection of law and technology. She is a co-author of the Fifth Edition of the West Academic textbook, Employment Discrimination & Employment Law: The Field as Practiced, along with Samuel Estreicher & Michael Harper. Her research on disparate impact litigation was cited by the United States Court of Appeals and the Iowa Supreme Court.
Professor Tippett is the Faculty Co-Director for the Master’s Program in Conflict and Dispute Resolution at the University of Oregon. Before joining the faculty, Professor Tippett was an employment law attorney at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Professor Tippett earned her law degree at Harvard Law School in 2006.
Dr. Maddock is a Profess or in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University. He is internationally recognized for his research in social ecological approaches to increasing physical activity. He has served as principal investigator on over $18 million in extramural funding and authored over 100 scientific articles.