Mark Cook – Contributor Profile

Mark Cook
Willis Towers Watson – Global Services and Solutions Group
Director, Global Services and Solutions
Mark Cook is a Director in Willis Towers Watson’s Global Services and Solutions group based in London and advises on a range of international employee benefits issues. He is an international benefits expert and has worked at Willis Towers Watson for over 20 years.
Mark leads Willis Towers Watson’s benefit financing group globally and assists a variety of clients from different sectors with the optimisation of employee benefits financing. This includes a wide range of self-insurance, insurance, multinational pooling and captive related assignments ranging from annual management/governance such as premium setting and claims/reserving analysis to the set-up of successful and sustainable benefit captives, global underwriting models or multinational pooling arrangements. Recent developments in this space include the transfer of retiree medical assets or retirement pension liabilities to a captive, the bulk portfolio transfer of certain EB risks to a single insurer or the transition to a cross border regional benefit plan.
He also facilitates the annual Captive User Group forum each May in London that now has over 750 members from risk, finance and HR. The key objective of this group is to exchange information among companies that use captives for employee benefits (or companies that are considering use of captive for employee benefits).
Mark regularly speaks at industry forums and is a frequent author of related articles on the above topics.