Mike Lean – Contributor Profile

Mike Lean
University of Glasgow
Chair of Human Nutrition
My research covers many aspects of Human Nutrition, encouraging molecular, clinical and public health. The main major focuses are on obesity/diabetes/cardiovascular risk, and on plant-food antioxidants; particularly new phenolics.
Several important international bodies have reviewed parts of my research between 2000-2005. Importantly, in 2001 the Adult Training Programme III of NIH Cholesterol Education Program published its authoritative diagnostic definition of Metabolic Syndrome, concluding that my research had established the case for making waist circumference a key component of diagnosis, and adopting the Action Level 2 cut-off values which I proposed for use in Health Promotion from my research. These waist circumference values are now used internationally, and by WHO.
In 2006, the International Diabetes Federation adopted my Action Level 1 cut-offs for prevention of diabetes.