New analytics report from MAXIS helps organizations rein in EB costs
MAXIS Global Benefits Network in August 2019 launched a new analytics-led report that is the first of its type in the market.
The Population Health and Risk Stratification report is meant for global and multinational organizations that want to significantly improve the impact of their employee health and wellness initiatives. The report also helps companies mitigate the cost drivers of medical claims and employee benefits programs.
The report allows multinationals to categorize employees and their dependents by health risk – into high, rising and low risk segments – to better understand management practices and initiate programs that help prevent chronic diseases, stabilize current chronic conditions, and prevent an acceleration to higher-risk categories and higher associated costs.
This new health and wellness solution complements and extends MAXIS GBN’s established suite of medical reports and analytics for multinationals such as its Paid Claims & Country Benchmark and Incurred Claims reports.
With the addition of the Population Health and Risk Stratification report, the firm’s offering is one of the most comprehensive in the EB sector.
In addition, the new report has a specific area focused just on diabetes, delivering deeper, specific insights on diabetic complications, including a severity index, patient co-morbidity and in-patient admission reporting. The focus reflects the significance of diabetes in terms of health and well-being and its growing impact globally.
In its recent report, MAXIS GBN Global Perspectives: in the changing world of employee benefits, does one size still fit all?, the firm concluded that data and digital innovations will underpin the successful delivery of global EB programs.
The near-limitless number-crunching capabilities available mean employers can successfully price risk while powerful data analytics mean organisations can better manage costs and understand where employee benefits budgets are being spent.