OECD publishes February 2017 CLI, pointing to slow global economic growth

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in February 2017 published its monthly Composite Leading Indicator (CLI) with data from December 2016.
Growth is anticipated to pick-up in the United States, Canada, Japan as well as Germany and France. In the United Kingdom, there are tentative signs of growth gaining momentum, although the CLI remains below trend and uncertainty persists about the nature of the agreement the UK will eventually conclude with the EU. In the OECD area as a whole, as well as the in the euro area and in Italy, the CLIs indicate stable growth momentum.
Amongst major emerging economies, growth is expected to gain momentum in China, Brazil and Russia. In India, the CLI points to easing growth momentum.
The graphs show country specific composite leading indicators (CLIs). Triangles mark turning-points of the CLI; they tend to precede turning points in economic activity relative to trend by approximately six months. The horizontal line at 100 represents the trend of economic activity.
The CLI is a measure of future economic growth that anticipates turning points in economic activity relative to the long-term trend six to nine months ahead. It may be used to anticipate phases of economic expansion and recession, and is available for 32 OECD member countries and 6 OECD non-member economies.
The February 2017 press release can be found as a link on this page, which includes additional links to information about the CLI.