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    Global Benefits Vision: Looking at the concept of multinational pooling, which has been around for about five decades, what has changed over the decades, and what has changed recently, in terms of insurance markets and the way multinationals manage benefits and ultimately utilize the concept of pooling?

    There is increasing international emphasis on patient-centered care at all levels of health services. This shift recognizes that it is the patient, not the doctor, who should drive health care decisions. Patient-centered care involves acknowledging that each patient is unique and health care decisions should be guided by individual needs, values, and preferences (Table).

    Earnings rose in 2016 for the U.S. health insurance industry, with net income for those companies filing a health annual statement rising by 46% to $13.1 billion compared with $9.0 billion in 2015. This, according to an A.M. Best special report titled, U.S. Health Insurance Industry Earnings Up in 2016.  The report notes that net income was supported by a second year of improving underwriting income, which is owed

    The Immigration Industry Association (IIA), in July 2017 officially launched as a non-profit, professional association for the global immigration industry and the wider migrant and expat community. The association provides a forum for the immigration community to come together to network, share ideas, information, research and experiences. Its core objectives include: Linking the immigration industry together and providing opportunities for collaboration Creating a supportive forum for individuals, companies, non-profits

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