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    Patsy Langridge in May 2016 was appointed Chief Marketing Officer of MAXIS Global Benefits Network, an AXA and MetLife partnership. Based in MAXIS’ new headquarters in London, Patsy reports to Thierry Mestach, head of markets and strategy, working closely with the company’s CEO, Mauro Dugulin, as well as the other members of MAXIS’ leadership team, including Andrew Stocker, Head of Business Development, Philippe Ly Van Luong, Head of Technical

    New regulations dealing with the protection of personal data for the citizens of the European Union went into effect on 25 May, 2016. E.U. General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) will fully replace Directive 95/35/EC in 2018, after a two-year transitional period. The new regulations, drawn up in 2012 for the purpose of ensuring a consistent and high level of protection of an individual’s personal data and rights, have

    After hearing pension specialists all over the world moaning about the adverse effects of increased longevity, and seeing insurers and reinsurers alike offloading longevity risk onto (unsuspecting?) financial markets as if their lives (or at least their bonuses) depended on it, GBV found it both intriguing and refreshing that a respected and composed organization such as The Economist had the intestinal fortitude to organize a two-day conference in November

    Expat assignments create or destroy value and leave positive or negative legacies depending on the success of the expat’s ability to integrate into the host culture(s). Cultural integration requires global skills on the one hand and acceptance from the host country office (even when taking on a global role while sitting at the host country office) on the other hand.

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