Renata Micha Tufts University Associate research professor Dr. Micha is an Associate Research Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. She is trained as a clinical dietitian, public health nutritionist, and epidemiologist and has expertise in nutritional and chronic disease epidemiology – mainly diet assessment and modeling of impacts on cardiometabolic health – and in nutrition/ health policy. Dr. Micha has particular interest and experience in

Jerold Mande Tufts University Professor of Nutrition Jerold R. Mande is Professor of the Practice, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, and a Senior Fellow, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University. Mande joined the Tufts faculty in May 2017. You can learn more about his current work and distinguished federal career at

Blair H. Smith @blairhsmith University of Dundee Head of Population Health Sciences Division, Professor of Population Science Blair is an academic general practitioner, currently also practising clinically as a Consultant in Pain Medicine, Ninewells Hospital. Graduating at the Universities of Glasgow (MBChB, 1987) and Aberdeen (MEd Distinction 1998; MD 2000), he held an NHS Primary Care Career Scientist Award (2000 to 2005) and was Professor Primary Care Medicine at the University of Aberdeen until

Yvane Wiart @YvaneWiart Université Paris Descartes – USPC Lecturer Yvane Wiart is a lecturer at the University of Paris – Descartes. A health psychologist, she specializes in attachment and its neurobiology, in their implications for the management of stress, emotions and their direct consequences on physical health. In this context, she focused on the links between stress and cancer. She also works on psychological abuse, including in the family

Andres Pumariega University of Florida Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Pumariega is a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist. He received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Miami. Dr. Pumariega did his psychiatry residency at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. His child and adolescent fellowship was a combined program of Duke University Medical Center and Children’s Psychiatric Institute at John Umstead Hospital in Butner, North Carolina.

John Warner UT Southwestern Medical Center Executive Vice President, Health Affairs After leading UT Southwestern University Hospitals as CEO since February 2012, John Warner, M.D., was named Executive Vice President for Health System Affairs, as of March 1, 2018. As the EVP, he oversees the UT Southwestern clinical enterprise, which encompasses the delivery of care to more than 100,000 inpatients and approximately 2.2 million outpatient visits annually at UT

Richard Metcalfe Swansea University Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science I am a Lecturer in Human and Exercise Physiology within the Applied Sport Technology, Exercise and Medicine (ASTEM) Research Group. I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh in 2010, and subsequently completed my PhD at The University of Bath (2010-2015) under the supervision of Dr Niels Vollaard and Prof Dylan Thompson. I joined Swansea University in

Ayse Cinar University of Dundee Senior Researcher, Health Coaching, Dr. Cinar is a dentist and an internationally accredited ICC (International Coaching Community) coach. Dr. Cinar was assistant professor at the School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (2009-2015). She recently has been the course director for “Patient Focused Coaching and Communication” 2011-2014, at the University. She holds a Ph.D. and DSci. from the University of Helsinki, Finland

Enrique Acevedo Correcol General Manager Enrique Acevedo is the general manager of Colombian broker Correcol, based in Bogota, Colombia. Enrique spent his entire career at Correcol, rising through the ranks in administration and sales until he was elected general manager in 1999. He holds an MBA from the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School in the United Kingdom.

Reto Toscan Swiss Re Chief Executive Officer of elipsLife Reto Toscan has been Chief Executive Officer of elipsLife since March 2011 and part of the Swiss Re Group since October 2011. In his current role, Mr Toscan is overseeing the development of business in Europe as one-stop shop for all risk products for corporate customers. elipsLife became wholly owned by Swiss Re in October 2011. Prior to Swiss Re,

Laura Haynes University of Connecticut Professor of Immunology Dr. Haynes’s laboratory is interested in how aging influences immune responses, especially to infectious diseases such as influenza and bacterial pneumonia. They investigate the mechanisms involved in specific age-related changes in the immune system. They are also interested in how these changes influence the generation of protective immunity following infection or vaccination. Their goal is to be able to improve

David Healy Aetna International Vice President, General Manager for Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA) David Healy is the General Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa for Aetna International, a leading global diversified health insurance and care benefits company David is responsible for expanding the company’s international business in the EMEA region, which includes international health benefits and health management solutions. Before taking on the role of General Manager

Cesar Ruperto P. Ong Lacson & Lacson Insurance Broker Data Protection Officer Cesar Ruperto P. Ong is a young professional who started his career as a Risk and Compliance Associate in a highly regulated renewable energy and mining industry. He then moved to the government as a Technical Assistant of Legal Affairs, directly reporting to the Head of the Agency specializing on due diligence, contract reviews, procurement, and

Jim Watt EPIC Regional President Southwest Jim is responsible for the executive management and leadership of EPIC’s operations in the Southwestern United States. Jim is also a member of EPIC’s Operating Committee. With over 30 years of experience in the design, communication, administration and funding of employee benefit plans for startups to Fortune 1000s, Jim is well versed in the many facets of human resources. His expertise in

Amyn Murji Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, Vanderbilt University Ph.D. Student in Microbiology and Immunology Amyn is currently getting his PhD as an experimental immunologist in the department of Microbiology and Immunology at Vanderbilt University through the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center. One aspect of Amyn’s work relates to the application of chemical biology and structural bioinformatics principles to the design of immunogens capable of eliciting protective antibody responses against target antigens.

Ian Setliff Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, Vanderbilt University Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical & Physical Biology Ian is a PhD student in the Chemical & Physical Biology program. He received his BS in physics from the University of Richmond where he conducted research in a systems biology laboratory studying signal propagation in genetic networks and cellular behavior under stress. His interests, broadly speaking, are in computational structural immunology and systems

Nicolas Lacson Lacson & Lacson Insurance Brokers Chief Operating Officer Nicolas Lacson is the Chief Operating Officer of Lacson & Lacson Insurance Brokers, Inc., a leading, independent insurance broker in the Philippines that specializes in both employee benefits and property and casualty insurance. Nicolas is responsible for managing the company’s full day-to-day operations, including broking activities, of Lacson & Lacson, across all lines of business. He is also

Susan Mathew Panicker Associated Insurance Consultants Employee Benefits Manager Susan Mathew Panicker is the Employee Benefits Manager at Associated Insurance Consultants Abu Dhabi, where she oversees Medical, Life, Tenders, Customer Support, Claims Management, Policy administration and Carriers Relationship Management. She has 7 years of experience in the Middle East Insurance field and 2 years of experience in Non-Financial sector. She has experience working for Government Organizations Health Insurance

Thierry Verkest Aon Hewitt Partner Thierry Verkest is partner and leading the international retirement practice in Brussels, dedicated to cross border pensions. Thierry has over 25 years of consulting experience. He started his career in Brussels with the former Woodrow Milliman network before joining Hewitt Associates in 2002. Today he is Partner at Aon Hewitt, member of the International Retirement and Investment consulting team since January 2013. Thierry

Alison Hirst Anglia Ruskin University Director of Postgraduate Research Alison Hirst holds a PhD in Business and Management from Nottingham University. Prior to joining the Institute for International Management Practice at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK, she worked for many years in higher education as a management development practitioner, working with a wide range of external clients. Through this, she developed particular interests in managing in the

Frédéric de Courtois Twitter @fdecourtois Generali Group CEO – Global Business Lines & International Frédéric de Courtois heads Generali’s Global Business Lines & International business unit, reporting to Group CEO Philippe Donnet. De Courtois is based in Milan, Italy and is a member of Generali’s Group Management Committee. He previously led the integration of AXA Assicurazioni and AXA MPS into AXA One Italy, after having served in leadership roles