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    Despite moving at what may seem sometimes as a glacial pace, RESAVER, the pan-European pension plan project, appears to have reached a major milestone. RESAVER, which is set up as a defined contribution (DC) scheme that will provide second-pillar pension benefits, selected its key operational components – namely its third-party service providers – in April 2016, paving the way for its launch. BlackRock has been selected as the asset

    As a response to growing concerns over the high cost of cancer care, the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) Solutions Center, over the course of two 2015 workshops, mounted a study that surveyed 19 self-insured employers representing 1.2 million employees, as well as physicians, oncology experts, employer benefits professionals, executives from health plans, hospitals, consulting organizations, cancer associations, and suppliers of healthcare-related services. The purpose of the study

    Yellow Fingers and Diversity – Gender Quotas and Diversity Outcomes Norman Dreger Lifecycle DC Pensions in Brazil Andrego Barbosa De Oliveira Hedge Funds in Pension Funds – the New Normal? Eric Muller-Borle Picking a Winner – Managing Expatriate Selection Risk Paul Pittman and Natalie Richter From the Lab to the Trenches – Time for a Revolution in Executive Pay? Dr. Sandy Pepper

    Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) on June 2, 2016, holds from 8 to 11am a breakfast workshop for brokers and consultants in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Senior experts from GEB will illustrate how multinational pooling and reinsurance to captive programs operate and what make them successful. Participants will gain insights into the set up and implementation of international arrangements and into how to maximize benefits to clients. Topics include: Why set

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