SOKA-Bau Conference on Challenges of Posting in the Construction Industry – 18 January 2022 – Online

A member of the “YES” project, German insurance carrier SOKA-Bau on 18 January 2022 organizes an online workshop about the “Challenges of Posting in the Construction Industry”.
SOKA-Bau is the umbrella brand of two paritarian institutions serving the construction industry: the Vacation and Wage Compensation Fund of the Construction Industry (Urlaubs- und Lohnausgleichskasse der Bauwirtschaft, ULAK) and the Supplementary Pension Fund of the Construction Industry (Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes, ZVK).
YES (“Youth Employment Skillset in Posting”) is a European Union project led by the Italian social fund CNCE. It investigates the situation of workers in the construction industry regarding cross-border postings and is intended to be the basis for further development of knowledge regarding posted workers in the E.U. Ultimately, YES’s goal is to improve transnational cooperation on access to information regarding postings as well as to promote the posting of young people.
The workshop includes an open discussion about the interim results of the project and about its future direction. Participants are invited to join in the discussion and to share their experience.
The workshop will be held online in German, Polish, and English on Tuesday, 18 January 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET.
The program can be downloaded here (PDF).
Registration is free and must be completed before 14 Jan 2022:
Contact: Ms. Dr. Lisa Dornberger .
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