Denise Gómez-Hernández – Contributor Profile

Denise gómez-Hernández , PHD
Universidad Autónoma De Querétaro in Mexico
Denise Gomez-Hernandez received a Ph.D. in actuarial science from City University in London and a M.Sc. in actuarial science from Herriot Watt University in Edinburgh.
She is currently teaching mathematics, life insurance and pensions at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico.
Her research interests focus on pension finance, life insurance, and mortality and her current research projects include a pension plan design for a public university in Mexico.
In addition, she is member and founder of an actuarial academic network called “Red Académica Actuarial” and was honored with the membership at the National Researchers System in Mexico (SNI) Level II for her contributions to the field.