Arthur J. Gallagher’s whitepaper helps employers realize seamless global mobility
January 2016

Arthur J. Gallagher
Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG) in January 2016 published a whitepaper, Look Before You Leap: Managing Global Mobility. Researched by Kristin Sampson, Area Vice President of Global HR Services within the Benefits and Human Resources Consulting division of AJG, the whitepaper not only addresses the rising concerns associated with the assignment of employees overseas, but steps employers can take to enter the global workplace smoothly and efficiently.
In her introduction, Sampson notes an Atlas Van Lines 48th Annual Corporate Relocation Survey that reported an increase in corporate-related relocations in 2015. This uptick, as well as other findings across the industry, indicate that global mobility is not only on the rise but is expected to remain an important segment of business practice across all industries, and concerns with such issues as immigration, tax laws, currency fluctuations, and global benefits coverage need to be addressed.
Citing current trends in global assignment practices, as well as the rise of short-term assignments that demand increased flexibility and cost savings for employers, Sampson delivers the underlying message of “Get It Right the First Time and Win,” prompting employers to consider how to achieve global employee mobility as seamlessly as possible while considering factors such as other costs, benefits, and compliance concerns. Noting amongst other examples the emergence of competitive markets in Southeast Asia, Sampson encourages employers to pre-plan their overseas employment strategies before demand becomes too pressing. “It is imperative,” she says, “that companies do their research and ‘spell it all out’. This ensures clarity and alignment from the inception […] through repatriation, ultimately leading to a successful execution.”
Kristin Sampson has more than 20 years of experience managing global mobility programs to help clients through the process of relocation while staying in compliance and realizing maximum cost efficiencies. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance, from Biola University in La Mirada, California and a GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources) professional designation.